Accolade offers solutions to support your credit risk management program, whether you are looking for detailed risk reports or a simple way to calculate your ALLL and CECL figures. Our loan analytics services are designed to be up and running quickly with no installation, training, or maintenance required.
Accolade Analytics - CECL WARM is a web-based platform that pulls historical data to calculate your CECL reserve. With the click of a button, you will be CECL compliant. Just input your balances and Accolade Analytics will provide your loan loss reserves with reports that satisfy examiner requirements.
We offer a 30 day free trial period so you can see how easy ALLL and CECL can be.
Trial Offer
Enjoy Accolade Analytics for 30 days free, with no strings attached. After your 30 day trial, sign up for a no-term contract.
Start your 30 day trial
Cost Effective
Only pay an affordable quarterly fee. No up-front investment.
Zero Setup Required
To get started, just sign in the online platform. No installation needed.
Minimal Data Requirement
We pull your historical data, you input your balance. No data mining or complex uploads.
Easy to Use
The setup wizard walks you through the basic inputs. No training needed.
CECL Resources
Accolade creates educational content to help support credit unions in their CECL journey.
Methodology Webinar
Which method should your credit union use to calculate CECL? Watch the on-demand recording
Intro to CECL
Learn the what, why, and how of CECL with this introductory webinar. Watch the on-demand recording
Live Demonstration: CECL WARM Solution
Product Manager, Aaron Shaner, walks through the steps to CECL with Accolade Analytics. Watch the on-demand recording
Our full loan-level analytics calculate the probability of default and loss severity for each loan on your balance sheet based on the characteristics of the loan, borrower, and collateral. You will receive monthly risk workbooks and quarterly executive summaries that highlight where to prioritize your loan-servicing efforts and how to manage your charge-offs. These reports are built with a forward-looking model to help guide your loan-portfolio management to future success.
What’s in your report?
- ALLL and CECL Calculations
- Targeted collateral valuation refreshes
- Risk-based loan servicing
- Risk-adjusted return
- Entire relationship view
Request Sample Report